All tagged woodworking

DIY Raised Beds

I read this week that home and garden sales are at an all time high. Incidentally, the Franks’ family farm was established in 2020.

Apparently, we weren’t the only ones with this idea. It certainly makes sense that many people have found many fresh, new hobbies. It seems like everyone I know is baking bread, tie-dying, or gardening. You have to choose at least one. We chose gardening. I’m sure the bread baking and tie-dying will happen for us in due time.

We’ve never had a green thumb. Actually, I probably would have called myself a plant assassin up until this point. Which is a shame, because I actually come from a line of farmers! My grandmother still has large farms where she grows and harvests corn. So, I’m relying on the small hope that there’s some farmer in my blood. My goal is to make one salad. I’d like one beautiful salad fresh from our garden. But before we can start sharing vinaigrette recipes, we had to start from the ground up. So this week, we built raised beds for our vegetable garden.